

My desire for this blog is that we would connect with our Heavenly Father. That we would increasingly open our hearts to receive more of Father’s Love and Life and I pray that what we share will encourage us to walk together in the Light.

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Maintain or Replace

Have you ever wondered if there has to be a better way? While watering my garden yesterday I was struck by how much time every month I have been spending just watering the garden. I generally enjoy my time in the garden but sometimes the daily tasks can be a bit tiring. I realised if…

How do I change my heart?

In my previous post I mentioned my heart is the core of who I am. My heart drives my mind, will and emotions. So if it is the core of what drives me to do the things I do… How do I change my heart? It has been a long journey and a hard struggle.…

What is the Heart?

It astonished me when I realised that the word “heart” is used in the bible over 750 times, and yet, most people would probably struggle to give a definition for the heart, and I personally can’t ever remember it being explained in church. Apart from the obvious heart in our physical bodies, What is the…

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